Samantha Hearne


We caught up with Samantha Hearne, anxiety and mindset coach to answer some of our burning questions around the topic of anxiety and how to best tackle it.


Can you tell us a little bit about what you do and your unique approach to wellbeing?

I am an anxiety coach for women worldwide and write for 5 mental health magazines. I base my business on my own journey and personal experience. I coach women 1:1 by telephone, run group workshops and have a FB Group and Podcast to continue to support every woman I possibly can, to overcome anxiety and thrive in their life again. 

What do you feel are the first signs of anxiety? Do you feel there are ways to stop anxiety from developing or does it become a process of learning to live with anxiety?

I believe both! 

I believe that with the right support, knowledge and coaching (the journey and process) you will 100% be able to manage and overcome anxiety. 

The first signs are different for everyone, whether they have health anxiety, separation anxiety and so on. The biggest sign for anyone experiencing anxiety is that their thoughts become irrational and/or unrealistic but hard to ignore. That is where I would start. 

How do you feel anxiety is being treated in society today? Do you feel progress is being made in people’s understanding of mental health? What do you think needs to be addressed most urgently and what do you feel needs to change in order to improve mental health and anxiety statistics in the future?

I feel a lot is constantly being done to improve awareness and understanding of mental health and I am 100% on that band wagon. I want to speak to women everywhere about anxiety and mental health. Fundamentally the change must come from the attitude society has on anxiety and the level of understanding around it must and has to improve – a huge part of what I am doing with writing for mental health magazines globally, speaking on mental health radio stations and sharing my knowledge and expertise on my Podcast and business.

Often people talk of not feeling good enough, and not living up to the success of their peers, family and friends. What would be your advice to someone who is suffering from this kind of anxiety?

Focus on your lane and your goals. Everyone will always have an opinion – it is your choice whether to listen and accept it as true, or acknowledge it as an opinion and focus on your own goals, opinions and thoughts. This is your life, not theirs. 

There are so many strategies I would share with someone experiencing this, but my piece of advice would always start here. 

Many people also talk of the pressures of social media today. What would be your advice to someone who feels social media is contributing towards their anxiety, and do you feel social media needs to change in any way?

A few things. 

Remove any social media accounts that cause you these emotions – you don’t have to follow or see them. 

Secondly – have time away from your phone each and every day and reduce your time online. 

Thirdly – do not post your personal content online, if you do not want opinions on it, as this can also be a slippery slope. 

Finally – remember that social media is the highlight reel and will often edit the negatives in their film. 

So choose to use your time online wisely and with content that enriches and uplifts you. 

I think social media is what we each perceive and make of it, so changes to social media would be very subjective, based on an individuals experience – if that makes sense?

Yes, absolutely! What do you find are the most challenging aspects of what you do?

I literally love everything about my job and business, but the hardest thing to listen to, is a women who doesn’t believe she is worthy of the change or feels guilty for putting herself first. 

This is something that saddens me, and I do a lot of work on this within my group and community to change. 

What are the most rewarding parts of your job? Have you any success stories with clients that you are particularly proud of that you can talk about?

Breaking through habits that my client has had for years and helping them accomplish something they wanted to. 

Like driving, after 5 years of not being able to get in a car. 

Going to the supermarket, alone and not having a panic attack.

Reducing medication for the first time in 25 years!

There are just so many! 

What are your top 5 pieces of advice to someone dealing with anxiety on a day-to-day level?

Wow – this is a great question!

Feelings are not facts – don’t let the feeling convince you it is real 

Don’t ever say sorry for how you feel, you are not in the wrong or doing something bad

There will always be a solution – we just might not see it right then

Seeking support is the best way to break the cycle and make change happen

Anxiety is not who you are or something you have to own as yours.

And lastly, Do you have a particular life motto that you live by?

This is YOUR life – choose how you live it


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