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  • The Like A Woman Bookshop 103 Rivington Street London, England, EC2A United Kingdom (map)
looking good with bethany rutter.jpg

As part of their celebrations for International Women's Day, Penguin are hosting an event with body positive bloggers, Bethany Rutter and the founder of #SAGGYBOOBSMATTER movement and author of upcoming novel What A Time To Be Alone, Chidera Eggerue, AKA The Slumflower. Join these two influencers in their discussion of who we dress for and what it really means to 'look good.' 

We all know it's what on the inside that should count, but the way we choose to look is more than just what's lurking in our wardrobes. Multiple factors such as our class, race, faith, culture and politics are all involved with how we present ourselves to society. It is only becoming increasingly complex. 

Date: 6th March 2018

Schedule:  Event starts at 6:30 pm and finishes at 7:30pm at The Like A Woman Bookshop

Location: The Like A Woman Bookshop by Penguin Books, 1-3 Rivington Street, London, EC2A 3DT

Price: £11.25 Tickets include £5 redeemable at The Like A Woman Bookshop and the remainder money of the ticket is donated to Solace Women's Aid.

Please note, this event is not organised by The Merit Club

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